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“To be surprised, to wonder, is to begin to understand.” Ortega y Gasset We live in a world filled with artificial marvels, and too many of us have forgotten how to be amazed at what God is saying and doing by His mighty power. The neglected writers called “The Minor Prophets” call us back to a life of amazement and achievement as they remind us of- • God’s jealous love (Hosea) The man who...

brought great wealth into the city, and Assyria’s armies were feared everywhere. Nineveh was great in sin, for the Assyrians were known far and wide for their violence, showing no mercy to their enemies. They impaled live victims on sharp poles, leaving them to roast to death in the desert sun; they beheaded people by the thousands and stacked their skulls up in piles by the city gates; and they even skinned people alive. They respected neither age nor sex and followed a policy of killing babies
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